Frequent Questions

How is using a gestational carrier different from traditional surrogacy?

A gestational carrier is a woman who carries a child conceived through the process of in-vitro fertilization where the child is not biologically related to the carrier. Eggs are fertilized outside of the woman’s body and the resulting embryos placed in the uterus of a gestational carrier. This medical procedure takes place at an IVF facility selected by the intended parents. This differs from a traditional surrogacy arrangement where the surrogate mother supplies the egg and is the biological mother of the child she delivers. Beginning Families does not provide services for traditional surrogacy.

mother, child and father laying in sandHow is Louisiana different from other states in terms of egg donation?

The sale of human ovum is expressly prohibited in the State of Louisiana. Therefore, egg donors will only be compensated for their time and discomfort throughout the egg donation process. This reasonable compensation is strictly regulated by Beginning Families.

How is Louisiana different from other states in terms of gestational carriers?

Contracts for traditional surrogacy are null and void in the State of Louisiana. Therefore, Beginning Families does NOT provide services for traditional surrogacy. Gestational carrier agreements are allowed in Louisiana and the legal process for these agreements requires that the intended parents complete a private adoption after the birth of the child. Beginning Families assists intended parents and the gestational carrier throughout every stage in the process, including fulfilling all legal requirements.

What exactly is the role of Beginning Families?

Beginning Families is a full service egg donation and gestational carrier agency. We assist intended parents by matching them with a possible egg donor or gestational carrier. We screen potential egg donors or gestational carriers and once the screening process is complete, we match them with intended parents. We continue to provide support and guidance throughout the entire process, from the beginning to the successful happy ending. Beginning Families provides all necessary mental health services and legal services throughout every stage in the process.

Proceed here if you are looking to be an Egg Donor

Proceed here is you are looking to be a Gestational Carrier

Proceed here if you are Intended Parents

Contact us

If you have questions please call:

(504) 459-4559

Beginning Families
1441 Canal Street, Suite 417
New Orleans, LA