There is a broad range of possible compensation rates for gestational carriers. Carriers are entitled to reasonable expenses throughout the pregnancy. Any medical expenses or other expenses related to the pregnancy are covered by the Intended Parents. While acting as carrier is financially beneficial to a carrier, if financial gain is your main reason for […]
Beginning Families has very extensive selection process before placing a potential gestational carrier into our database. In addition to basic criteria, a potential gestational carrier must submit an application and conduct an in-person interview with the staff at Beginning Families. Once this process is complete, a potential carrier can be entered into our database for […]
A gestational carrier is a woman who carries a child conceived through the process of in-vitro fertilization where the child is not biologically related to the carrier. Eggs are fertilized outside of the woman’s body and the resulting embryos placed in the uterus of a gestational carrier. This medical procedure takes place at an IVF […]